The Hinckley-Big Rock Parent Teacher Organization, better known as the HBR PTO, is a group of parents and teachers from our K thru 8th grade school community that volunteer their time and skills to help create the atmosphere at our schools to allow for excellence in teaching and learning! We provide extra support in a multitude of ways for the Hinckley-Big Rock Elementary School & Hinckley-Big Rock Middle School including:

  • School Programs & Events (Book Fairs, Donuts with Grown-Ups, Fall Fun Fest, Daddy Daughter Dance, Mother Son Event, Pie Night, Variety Shows, and more)

  • Teacher & Staff Support (Purchasing Amazon Wish-List Items, Teacher Appreciation Week, Sunshine Committee, and more)

  • Community Outreach (Local Night Out Events and Restaurant Nights, Spirit Wear, Donor Recognition, and more)

HBR PTO’s bylaws are updated every year. Current HBR PTO bylaws are listed here: HBR PTO Bylaws 2023-24

Are you ready to get involved?